Saturday, August 23, 2008

Citron Restaurant Wellington NZ

My first experience of Citron was a really bad one, I was unwell so was not keen to go, but the meal was rounded off with the most bizarre dessert, I or probably most of the world would have ever set their eyes on: the deconstructed cheese cake. This consisted of crumbs, a thimble of watermelon milkshake and teaspoon of cheese cake topping and will stay with me for the rest of my life.

That aside I was prepared to have my mind changed.

The fact that they did have mineral water ice cubes when asked did indicate a certain level of poncieness ( is that a word) and the rest of the night would prove the point.


1st course

Beef Cappaccio with horseradish foam.

Pretty awful really it looked like catfood that someone had dribbled on and tasted much the same.

2nd Course

Strudel of assorted mushrooms w baby beets, fennel & spiced raita.

This was ok, if a little dry but not up to the standard you would expect from one of Wellington's finest restaurants

3rd Course

Chefs Soup

Small is good at Citron and this thimble of Soup made such an impression on me I have forgotten what was in it.

4th Course

Beef ribeye w braised shin, baked polenta, Brussels & escargot

This was rubbish, I enjoyed the snails but when you order a ribeye I think most people would agree you expect something substantial. This ribeye was more a pupil than the eye and was tough. The less said the better.

5th Course


Both the cheeses served were good the gippsland Blue and the Hawkes Bay Gouda.

6th Course


Toasted almond pannacotta w port poached pear & sorbet

This was the best bit of the night, firstly because we were almost going home and secondly because it actually lived up to the restaurants reputation, it was good.

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